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Yesterday a friend asked me to recommend Scripture verses that might speak to her niece, a young woman so battered by life’s circumstances that she wanted to take her own life.  Immediately I knew where to turn.  I got out my DEWW books and opened to Page Six of “The Love That Lasts.”  There I saw five Scriptures that tell how God knows and loves me personally.  Those five verses, four of them from the Old Testament, combined to show me that God is not a distant, condemning judge, but a present, loving Friend and Savior, who wants me to know Him and His love for me.


As I continued through the DEWW series, I learned so many concepts that I had never encountered before in a lifetime of attending church:


  • God doesn’t break promises—He’s incapable of that.  God doesn’t change His mind, go back on His word, or give false hope.

  • Jesus’ death is proof of all God’s promises.

  • God created you and me to have fellowship with Him and to glorify Himself through us.

  • Jesus prayed for me and you. (John 17:11-17)


My favorite chapter in the DEWW series is Book One, Chapter Four.  That chapter illuminates the lives of four women whom Jesus touched instantly and dramatically.  Because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, I was able to see that as He tenderly dealt with those four women, He will tenderly deal with me.  For the first time, I trusted that He loves me aside from my performance.  He can’t love us more, and He won’t love us less.


Not only did the principles followed in DEWW ministry change my life personally, but also it’s the tool that I’ve used to show other women the same life-changing principles.  Using the First-Century method of one-to-one discipleship, it’s been my privilege to disciple 78 other women and to walk alongside them as they discover Jesus’ tender, powerful, unchanging love for them.


If you long to know the cure for sin and death; to discover an eternal love based on God’s character, not on your performance; and to learn how to use a tool to help others, the DEWW Ministry series, “The Love That Lasts” will change your life.  All praise, honor, glory and power to Jesus!  Come soon, Lord Jesus!  



Christy Bickel


Foundation stone of DEWW Ministry! All she does is for the glory of God, sharing His love and experience with others.


Military widow, mother of 3 and grandmother of 6. European Coordinator, U.S. Military, Israel, Romania, Baltic States, Korea, USA, Ireland.

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